This term Year 4's topic is Express Yourself, which, as the title suggests, is giving them some great opportunities to do this through Art!
They have focused on abstract art and on two painters in particular - Kandinsky and Klee. They started by looking at the life and work of Kandinsky.
(Wassily Kandinsky 1866 - 1944)
They started off by discussing some of Kandinsky's work - they had A LOT to say about it!

Then they experimented with reflecting different emotions using lines, shapes and colour in their sketchbooks.
(Examples of this years work coming soon, but until then check out a few from last year on our past adventures page:
Finally they began work on their own abstract masterpieces!!
First they sponge painted a background, thinking about the colours and 'mood' they wanted.
Then they thought about shapes and colours that they would overlay their background with, thinking about where they should go on their picture.
Finally, they experimented with the composition of their picture - where the shapes should go and how and if they would fill the spaces in-between. If they decided to use lines they thought about the size and shape of these.
Another exciting piece of work was inspired by Isabella in Buzzard class bringing in this amazing Kandinsky book.
Inspired by the use of pop ups and Kandinsky's use of shape (particularly circles) the Year 4's set to work!
The children also had the opportunity to see Kandinsky's 'Cossack' painting in Tate Modern, along with a whole bunch of other exciting abstract art - ask them about it!
Where do you think the three cossacks are in the painting? Why?
(The entrance to the new Switch House part of Tate Modern)
We liked this calm abstract picture, just made up of
different coloured lines in different directions.
Happy shadows!
We loved the brightness of the Bridget Riley 'Op Art' room!
All this Art makes you hungry!
Time for a picnic lunch in the Turbine Hall.