Monday 16 January 2017

The Romans Are Coming!

........but before the Romans, there were the Celts!

Following on from our work on patterns last term, we looked at Celtic patterns, trying our hand at some tricky Celtic knots.

We then designed our own Celtic brooches, based on some of the patterns we had investigated. We used tin foil wrapped around card, indenting patterns with our pencils, before adding colour with Sharpies.

We also did a drawing of Boudicca, Queen of the Celts, based on a description of a Roman soldier Dio Cassius.

Then the Romans invade! So we practised drawing Roman soldiers, before joining the Roman army ourselves!

Our Year 3 TA's were very good sports and dressed up as Roman centurions to further inspire our efforts! 

Finally, we designed and made our own Roman mosaics, following the same methods as the Roaman master mosaic makers - who used to plaster a small area at a time, them lay down small stone tiles to form a picture or pattern. Instead of plaster we used glue and instead of stone tiles we used paper/foam ones.

Eventually, all things Roman came together in our new corridor display!

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