Saturday 28 April 2018

Flower Power!

This week, Year 2 started doing some plant art to complement their work in Science.
We warmed up by drawing as many different flowers as we could, focusing on different shaped petals and petal formations.

Then we reminded ourselves about Vincent Van Gogh and focused on his famous sunflower series of paintings.

We set about creating our own large vase of flowers to brighten up our classrooms. We used oil pastels, choosing our own colour combinations, but really trying to blend our colours as we shaded them in. Some of us drew round our pencil pots for our centre, while some us drew them freehand. All of us tried to create large flowers.

When our petals were all coloured in, we glued beans, seeds and pulses in the centre of our flower. Some of us used them to create patterns, while some of us placed them randomly.

Some of our finished ones, waiting for the glue to dry.....

When they dried, they were cut out and arranged in our very own Van Gogh inspired vases in each of our classrooms.

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