Tuesday 10 July 2018

Brilliant Britto #2

Year 4 have been continuing their adventures with Brazilian artist Romero Britto.
Having all drawn up or ideas on A3 cartridge paper & going over our lines with a black Sharpie, we all set about painting them, really taking our time, focusing on the use of bright colours and careful brushstrokes. We had to match the right sized paintbrush to the job.

Here are some of our Brilliant Britto Inspired Masterpieces - now proudly displayed in our rooms!

What references have we made to popular culture?

Have we kept to the ingredients of a Romero Britto picture?

1 comment:

  1. Love these. Really interesting to see what the kids think represents popular culture these days. Refreshing to see that video games (apart from Pokemon) don't feature too highly. Well done kids!
