Well done all of you for taking part in last week's Arty Architecture Challenge - if you haven't seen the amazing work of our young artists, check out the exhibition here:
This week, we are doing something a little bit different!
It is all about looking at a variety of art and artists.
Below are a few ideas to choose from for our Seeing Double Challenge, but all of them require you to do basically the same thing - find a piece of art you like and recreate/copy it.
Please read to the VERY end of this post, so you can check out all the different ideas, before deciding how you will do it.
IDEA 1 is all about photography...
This idea of copying a famous painting comes from a variety of sources. Basically, find a picture of a piece of art and recreate/copy it yourselves by using things you can find at home - you or your family could be in it; use objects from around the house or your toys for example.
Molly O'Cathain is staying with her parents for lockdown. She finds a painting, then uses her parents as subjects to copy it - adapting clothes they have at home and household objects as props and for the background.
Based on the painting 'My Parents' by David Hockney (1977)
Based on 'A Couple Crossing The Road' by Lowry (1953)
Based on 'Portrait of Parents' by Heily Mikhailovich (1985)
Based on 'Diptych Portrait of Dr George Tansstetter & His Wife' by Berhard Strigel (1515)
Based on 'Apple Woman and her husband' by Mark Gertler (1912)
A few years ago Lucie Kruta had the idea of photographing her children in the style of famous paintings.
Based on 'Face' by Henri Matisse
Based on 'The Piano Keys Lake' by Frantisek Kupka (1905)
Based on 'Self Portrait' by Frida Kahlo
Based on 'The Girl In The Mirror' by Roy Litchenstein
Based on 'Man In A Bowler Hat' by Rene Magritte - 1964
Based on 'Portrait Of A Man With A Turban' - Jan Van Eyck (1437)
Based on 'The Girl With The Pearl Earring' - Johannes Vermeer (1665)
'Portrait Of A lady' by Rogier van den Weyden (1455)
Here are a few more examples we found:
If you or your family don't want to be in your version of an art work, what about using your toys?
Here are two different versions of the Mona Lisa, the bottom one by Martha, friend of MG Art Club and featuring her toy Doris!
If you have got a pet, they might want to get involved!!
Or what about recreating famous artworks using anything you can find around the house and taking a photo...

This is John Lennon, who was in The Beatles in spaghetti! Cooked spaghetti can work really well as it is easy to shape.
Can you think of any other things that are easy to shape?
Which artist do you think these last two examples are based on? Why? (Clue we mentioned him a few week's ago!)
IDEA 2 is all about drawing...
Find an art work you really like and do your own version of it in anyway you like. Here are some examples from the MG Art Archives.
Vincent Van Gogh is always a popular artist to recreate with his very distinctive style:
Modigliani's elongated, mask like faces are good to try:
If you want to continue your perspective journey - Lowry is your guy!
There are many more examples if you look through the old posts on the Art Blog - but just choose a piece of art you really like and have a go!
Whatever you decide to do send us a photo of your finished art AND a photo of the art work that inspired it. Don't forget to put your name and class AND the title of and the artist who created the original.
All entries need to be sent to MGartclub@missiongrove.org.uk
Friday 1st May
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