Doris will be back next week - she was last seen rummaging in her dressing up box for her next challenge!
Thank you all for getting involved this week - especially as it was half term - we haven't had as many entries because of that, but those family collaborations that we have had, have been amazing.
Click on the movie to see the many and varied creative things they have been up to. To keep up the theme of We Are Family - this week's soundtrack is a classic song by 'The First Family Of Soul' - The Five Stairsteps, who were eclipsped by some other family bands, but are wonderful!
Now for a bit more information about our amazing artists' ideas and some extra pictures.
Klaudia - Kittiwake
This week, Klaudia had the idea to create a piece of art about her family's different interests. She got each member of her family to draw round their hand, cut it out, then write, draw & stick information about their hobbies and interests on it. When everyone was finished, she stuck the hands down on pink backing paper. What a fantastic idea, and one I think all the teachers might steal when they are getting to know their new classes!
Kio - Kestrel
Kio has sent in some atmospheric photographs that he has taken, which he is rightly very proud of. He has used some interesting angles to take some excellent shots of his figures. He thought about the composition of each photo, so each one is unique. Rose says that she is going to 'steal' some of his ideas for Camera Club!
Which one is you favourite - why?
Senna - Magpie
"For my family's challenge, I drew a picture of my dog. Then let all the members of my family colour and add to different parts."
This is a fantastic way to complete a collaborative picture - each person taking a section, making it their own and then putting it all together.
Can you see all of the family's different styles?
Elizaveta - Kingfisher
Elizaveta and her family have created a fantastic piece of art work representing what family means to them, both in words and images. The umbrella looks as though it is protecting the family with a big heart at its centre.
If you were to do something similar, what words and images would you use?
Jhael - Kittiwake
'I have done the yellow and blue trees, my mum did the green one, my big brother did the red tree and my father the landscape. I was thinking "Life Is Nature" as the title because nature is the real colour of life.' This collaborative piece of art work has certainly lived up to its name and showcases the artistic talents of Jhael's family. Great stuff!
Yaseen and Rayyan - Year 1
The boys have been very busy this week, creating lots of art with their family. This first chalk drawing was made by drawing round each other. Rayyan got creative and tried lying in different ways on the ground. They even got their Grandma involved! After that they made patterns and coloured in their body lines before shading in all the background.
For their second piece of family art, the boys made a structure of a tree with their mum and decorated it using paint. They created hand print leaves and made branches out of kitchen rolls. Mum and Granny helped extend the branches and they each had a side to do.
The boys made an ant hill and a 'safe home' for some friendly slugs, before their mum added some Andy Goldsworthy style pebbles.
She is becoming a big fan of Mr Goldsworthy!
Martha - Friend of MG
Martha (with some added help from Doris!) and the rest of her family designed and built their own impressive Greek Parthenon. Inside you can see a Sylvanian Nursery outing and a tourist eating a cheese sandwich, who also came to visit.
You can clearly see how much Doris loves art too!
In which country would you find the Parthenon?
Aleeza & Rayan
Aleeza and Rayan created this wonderful, effective art work with the rest of their family. It is called "Blossoming Glass Plants." Everyone got involved - from left to right: Mum, Rayan, Baby Ibrahim (with help), Aleeza and Dad. Their mum got some chalk pens so they could write over things that they aren't usually allowed to.
They were very happy to create some art on their window.
Ruibo & Rui Xuan
Ruibo, Rui Xuan and their family have created their own mini exhibition, showcasing all the different types of art they have been doing - sketching, painting, using colouring pencils and felt pens. They are clearly confident at using a variety of different media and producing consistenly great art work.
Which one of these pictures is your favourite and why?
Ayla and her family created an amazing hand-print flower collage. The whole family got involved (Mum, Dad, big brother Ehsan and little brother Haaries as well as Ayla herself) Each person created hand prints and some of them also drew flowers.
Ayla, Ehsan and her mum went on to draw some excellent pictures illustrating memories of recent holidays that they have been on.
If you were do a piece of art based on a memory what would it be?
Rose and her husband, Brian worked together in the sunshine on their balcony. Rose found an old sign and together they transformed it into this wonderful colourful bird painting. We all know how much Rose likes art but Brian hasn't painted for a long time and he became totally absorbed in it too.
Representing the MG Family, Miss Jennings and Mr Darling have been doing lots of stencil art all around school, ready for your return. It shows which direction and where you should walk so that people can remain socially distanced and safe.
Sometimes creating art has to be practical too!
Ms Harding
How many ladybirds can you spot in the picture?
Thank You All!!
We really enjoy seeing all the fabulously varied art work you come up with each week!
There will be a new challenge on Monday 1st June, so check back then for details....