Monday, 27 February 2017

Get Moving!

Year 3 started their new Get Moving topic by looking at how artists show movement in their work. This week we focused on the photographs of Eadweard Muybridge.

Eadweard Muybridge captured moving images before cinema.

He used a series of cameras controlled by trip wires.

It all started with a bet to prove if a horse had all four hooves off the ground at once when it was racing.

We tried our own moving montage pictures, drawing and cutting out simple outline figures then experimenting with arranging them on our paper to give the illusion of movement. When we were happy we stuck them down.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

William Morris Detectives

As Year 4 begin their new local environment topic and nature-based Science work, who better to investigate in their Art work than local hero William Morris.

They started by looking really closely at William Morris' work, hunting for motifs that were inspired by nature, before plunging into two of his most famous patterns.

The Strawberry Thief

The children really focused on his use of shape, line and symmetry as they drew the missing half of one of his patterns. 

Like William Morris, they are going to move on to looking more closely at patterns in nature and using these to create their own motifs. Pop back to see how they get on!