Saturday 18 February 2017

Year 3 @ The National Gallery

At the end of their You Are What You Eat topic, where we looked at Still Life and The Impressionists in Art, Year 3 went to the National Gallery to see the actual paintings we had discussed in class (and some extras!)

After Miss Stevens took a shortcut up the empty escalator, we soon arrived in Trafalgar Square, having a brief look around on a very drizzly day before going inside the National Gallery.

Once inside we looked at a lot of the paintings that we had investigated in class and all got to see Cezanne's still life picture that kicked off all our art work this half term.

Cezanne - Still life With water Jug

His friend Gauguin, also liked painting still life scenes with apples!

Gauguin - Bowl Of Fruit And Tankard before A Window

We also got to see and discuss some of the other key pictures we had looked at in class.

Seurat - The Bathers

Renoir - The Skiff

As well as see Titian's Bacchus & Ariadne that we looked during our Roman topic.

We also got to see some unfamiliar paintings like Holbein's Ambassadors, which we compared to the style of the Impressionists.

Finally we looked at some food paintings by Joachim Beucklaer, relating them to the work we had done in Science as well as discussing the techniques he use to paint them and the stories behind them. He called this series of paintings The Four Elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire. 
Can you guess which is which and why?

Some of us also saw two of our favourite paintings from Year 2, which we looked at during our Plants topic.

Van Gogh - A Wheatfield With Cypresses

Van Gogh - Sunflowers 
(which he actually painted for Gauguin's room when he was coming to stay with him. Gauguin didn't like it, or any of Van Gogh's other sunflower paintings, so took them all down!!)

Monet - The Water Lily Pond

Rousseau - Surprised

Degas - Miss La La

If any Year 3's want to go back to the National Gallery with your families and tell them all about the paintings, here is a map of our route.

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