Tuesday 21 February 2017

LARGE Still Life With Apples!

Year 3 ended their half term's work right back where they started, with Cezanne's Still Life and his love of apples.

Swan and Swallow got their first art commission from Miss Jennings - to create a large still life for the Leadership Room on South Site. Naturally, apples were involved! The children used soft pastels to shade their apples, really trying to blend their colours and make their apples realistic. Some even added some white pastel to give a 'reflection' effect......

Here is our finished Still Life With Apples, which now proudly takes up a whole wall in the Leadership Room.

1 comment:

  1. Those apples look delicious - the way you got the shine on them was so skilfully done. I think maybe I need to commission a still life like this for my school. I will show my Year 3 pupils what can be done if they work as carefully as you all have done.
