Sunday 20 May 2018

Great Gursky!

Inspired by the Andreas Gursky exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, we thought we'd try and emulate his style and content in our own Year 3 Camera Club pictures this week.

First we learnt a little bit about him, comparing his work to the types of shots we have been taking over the last few weeks, where we have focused far more on macro style shots.

Although Andreas Gursky does take some shots like we have, he is more famous for his large scale landscapes of everyday life.

We decided that we were going to go big, bright and bold (with clear, sharp and possibly straight lines),so off to the market we went to look for some Gursky-inspired subjects!

Where better to start than some brightly lit 'supermarket' shops, with row upon row of potential shots.

Some of the smaller shops offered some great shots too!

....and of course the market stalls themselves had so much potential.

Finally, we just took some shots of things that appealed to us as we walked along...


  1. Henry @ The Hayward28 May 2018 at 01:05

    Well done children. You have really captured some of Andreas Gursky's spirit! I hope you all continue to take photographs as you get older as you are clearly a talented young group.

  2. Thank you - we certainly hope they do! Thank -you to the Hayward for such an inspiring exhibition, that introduced us to Gursky in the first place.
